Daemon Tools Lite PC

Daemon Tools Lite Adalah Software Untuk Memburning Disk Seperti CD/DVD Dan Lain Lain Selain Memburning Ada Fiture Lain Seperti Menghapus Isi Disk, Menambahkan File, Membackup Dan Lain Lain

With DAEMON Tools Lite you can back up your physical CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray discs into "virtual discs" or so called "disc image" files, which run directly on your hard drive. You can also work with images created by other burning programs! DAEMON Tools Lite supports variety of image types. Use CD/DVD image converter to have one format images in your Image Catalog!
1. Emulate virtual CD/DVD-ROM/HD DVD and Blu-ray drives
DAEMON Tools Lite [Commercial] enables you to emulate up to 4 CD/DVD virtual drives on your PC. Virtual drives will appear in your OS just like real ones. Select a virtual drive then choose a disc image you want to mount. Find the created virtual drive with mounted disc image in My Computer. Start working! Looks like working with a real drive and a real disc, doesn't it? Yes, but it is much faster!
2. Create a disc image
With DAEMON Tools Lite [Commercial] you can create ISO and MDS image files from original discs inserted in physical CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray drives. Or use images you have created earlier with other program. DAEMON Tools products work with variety of image types.
Key features
  • creates .iso, *.mds/*.mdf and *.mdx images images;
  • Create up to 4 DT, SCSI or HDD devices;
  • performs image mounting and unmounting;
  • supports *.mdx, *.mds/*.mdf, *.iso, *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.bin/*.cue, *.ape/*.cue, *.flac/*.cue, *.nrg, *.isz.
  • offers powerful command line interface
Note: Cara Install Sudah Ada Didalam File

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8 Tanggapan untuk "Daemon Tools Lite PC"

  1. Daemon tools ini bisa bersihkan virus gak gan..?

  2. Ane baru tahu tentang ginian, Nice Info Ya..

  3. Gue dulu pernah ngeliat ada orang yang pake aplikasi ginian buat nge burning.Menurut gue lumayan bagus lah.

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